Jetibox Normaal Duplex Programmer All Jeti J-999


Jetibox Normaal Duplex Programmer All Jeti J-999
Jetibox Normaal Duplex Programmer All Jeti J-999
41.90 *Prijzen zijn inclusief btw
Fabrikant JETI
ArtikelcodeJ-999 Jetibox
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De JETIBOX kan stand alone ook worden gebruikt voor:

  • De pulsbreedte van de ontvanger meten - de pulsbreedte weergeven in milliseconden samen met de ontvangerspanning
  • Pulsgeneratie - deze functie is handig voor de eerste servosetup in het model, zonder dat u zenders en ontvangers hoeft te gebruiken
  • Servo-cycli - dit kan worden gebruikt om de werking en betrouwbaarheid van servo's te controleren
  • Servosnelheidsmeting - de tijd die de servo nodig heeft om van de ene positie naar de andere te gaan

  • Uiteraard ook alle telemetrie data ontvangen en daarnaast van ontvanger, zendmodule, Spin regelaars, JBC ontvangers de instellingen aanpassen!

The Jeti Box, sometimes referred to as the Jeti Spin Box is a simple two-way LCD terminal with a two-line display, for interfacing with a number of Jeti products.
The Jeti Box can be used for all sorts of tasks:

  • Communication with Jeti Spin controllers, REX Receivers, Sensor 3000 and future Jeti products.
  • Measurement of pulse widths at the receiver output (shows the pulse width in milliseconds and the receiver supply voltage).
  • Acts as a pulse-generator, generating control pulses which can be adjusted by means of push buttons and shows the servo supply-voltage.
       This function is very well suited for servo adjustments directly in the plane without the necessity of receiver installation and the use of a transmitter.
  • Servo cycling: Servos can be cycled by connecting a power source to the Jeti Box along with the servo.
       Various parameter can be adjusted: number of cycles, servo throw, cycling speed.
       This feature can be used to verify servo lifetime (i.e. burn-in) and their function.
  • Measurement of servo speed (The time which the servo needs to travel from one defined position to another position.
       Limiting points may be defined for a 60° servo-arm throw.
       Measurements can be executed with no load or with a servo installed in the plane.
  • Programming of Jeti Duplex receivers.
  • Viewing of real time data such as receiver voltage and signal strength from all Jeti Duplex receivers when connected to a Duplex transmitter module.
  • Viewing of real time data such as rate of climb/descent, temperature, voltage, current and battery capacity from Jeti Duplex telemetric sensors.
  • Can also be used as a stand-alone Watt Meter or Temperature Sensor
       when used with the corresponding Jeti Duplex telemetric sensor and an appropriate power source such as a receiver battery or a 2-cell LiPo or LiFePO4 pack.


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